Monday, 5 December 2011

Critical Investigation

Critical investigation 10 possible links

Looks at how video game industry have become pressured with such violent video games.

Talks about the increased problems in regards to video games, furthermore it looks at the regulations, also argues how games are positive

Takes a different approach of looking at censorship and how it affects the economy

call of duty is one of the best selling shooter games

The impact of violent video games on people and their behaviour

First game t0 be banned in almost a decade

Politicians argue over call of duty censorship

Government becoming involved in watching out for children

Mother wants to know if she should buy her child call of duty

Influence of media violence on youth

Video games censorship (The Guardian)

Children’s computer games to be censored

Control violent video games

Call of duty is to violent and the film classification should take action

Government must not censor Internet

How BBC get around censorship